Just lately as of the weekend when I logged in, the whole look has changed- and I knew it was coming, but I was genuinely impressed. It's got a Wordpress feel going on there now.
If you're curious as to what HubPages is, it's been voted one of the top 200 sites in the US. Go here to have a look and see what's happening. You can join and write to your heart's content, publishing professionally written articles and get a decent amount of traffic without having to promote it much.
There are sites like it, as I'm sure you've heard of Squidoo, Helium, and others, but as I've read and heard over and over from defectors from those sites, HubPages is where it's at. Many claim that the tools, the community, and the fact that you can earn from your articles makes it superior to other sites.
I would have to agree with you on this one. :)
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