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HubPages Turns 4 This Month, Partners with ClickTurn

hubpages_180-150 I’ve been a member over on HubPages for the last two years. It’s said to be one of the web’s leading content publishing sites – rivalling the likes of Squidoo, Helium and other such places, some of which may have been around for longer.

This month, HubPages turns 4. It was founded back in 2006 by the “two Pauls” – Paul Edmondson and Paul Deeds. There’s now a staff of several people, and not to mention probably a few hundred or even thousand people who are registered, and publish articles, or hubs, with the easy creation and editing tools.

HubPages likely has one of the better communities out there, and the user experience, interface, and so on is always being improved seeing as the HP staff and engineers are always listening to requests for features and other suggestions. It’s most definitely a website I don’t regret joining. They’ve made some great changes to the overall look over the past year or two.

Right now, HubPages is in the process of extending its revenue generating options. For some time now it has utilized Google Adsense, Amazon, EBay, and Kontera as a means for people to generate passive income from their hubs. This month they have begun a partnership with ClickTurn – a company which supposedly has a new and fresh approach to advertising with its interactive styled ads. These ads often have videos and links to Facebook and Twitter pages and the like embedded within. They look as though they’re more social than the usual ads have been up until now.

It’s a new company, but seemingly won over HP, with the promise that soon we will be able to use these ads on our hubs, either to supplement earnings with other programs, or as a replacement.

If you’re still not a member of one of the hottest places on the net, then you should join now and start with your online web presence and passive income generating efforts. Even if it’s just for backlinks to your blogs and so on. People on there have multiple reasons for joining – and staying. There are writers, photographers, artists, sculptors, and people in other professions from all walks of life. You’ll like it. Promise.

Happy Birthday HubPages, and here’s to many more years!hub_ani_160



The Verge Returns: Coming Back This Week

TVerge Just over a couple of months ago, the somewhat popular show about video games on Vuzu, called The Verge, went off the air for a hiatus which was said to last a couple of months.

During this time two new shows made an appearance on the channel: GameFace and The Ginx Files. PlayR, the taped version and predecessor of The Verge, continued to be shown as well. There were also a number of changes to the days when these programs were shown, in addition to the changed timeslots before that.

Anyway, this week, Monday the 2nd of August, sees The Verge return to regular, live programming, you might be pleased to hear.

For the past two months or more, we’ve been forced to sit and endure reruns of past episodes. I’m still left wondering why exactly it was that the break took place in the first place, and I’m also still anticipating some changes that may have been made to the format or appearance of the show – such as the disappearance of that bar with all the SMSs and messages that shows up at the bottom. But fat chance of that happening anyway.

You can follow updates on The Verge at their Facebook page, Twitter, and the main website.


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