I bet you can guess which one is on there.
Dungeon Keeper 3 - War for the Overworld
Fallout 3 (Project Van Buren)
Starcraft Ghost
Warcraft Adventures
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
None of these games would have "changed the world", and even if they did, I didn't care much about them, but perhaps the last one on the list:
Duke Nukem Forever (Did you guess it?)
Duke Nukem Forever myths and errors contained in the article:
"DNF started with the original Quake engine"- they were just experimenting, and making mock-ups, or bullshots, before using id Tech 2 (Quake II, which is what they really wanted)
"rumors said they even toyed with Doom 3 engine"- Wrong. This was a rumour started by Take-Two, and was denied by 3DR.
"3D Realms hit bankruptcy earlier this year"- Wrong. They let go of the DNF team, but many sites claimed that they had shut down, which 3DR denied.
"Take Two still has the rights to develop Duke Nukem Forever"- Wrong. They have the publishing rights only.