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HubPages Turns 5 Years Old

August is a special month to me for two reasons. Firstly, it’s the month that HubPages was originally founded back in 2006, and the content publishing, revenue sharing website turned 5 years old just the other day. August is also the month when I joined HubPages back in 2008, and I received a notification email in my inbox the other day telling me that I’d been a member for 3 years now. I can hardly believe it!

I’m not as active on there as I was back in say 2008 or 2009, but I’ve been gradually trying to get back in to publishing hubs. I’m also revising, editing, and updating a lot of my old articles, too. After the subdomain switch the other day, I began this process, and I’ve been adding photos and other content to existing articles that are two or three years old. And it’s worked – I’m seeing a slight increase in traffic to hubs, overall. So it’s good to see that the effort is rewarded.

I don’t make it a point to cover every HubPages story out there, but I certainly do still read the weekly HubPages newsletters, the blog, and of course I log in to my account from time to time, and occasionally post in the forum. I just thought that this month is reason to celebrate for at least two reasons, as I mentioned above.


Source: HubPages’ 5th Birthday & The 2011 Hubbie Award Winners [HubPages blog]


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