There’s some good news right off the bat here. This issue of NAG is said to be up in page count, and I also saw by looking at the contents page that the spine will return some time – maybe next month, seeing as the April issue will be NAG’s birthday issue.
So let’s look at what’s in this issue of NAG:
Homefront gets the cover this issue, with some features on the Tomb Raider reboot as well. Previews include a look at the Mortal Kombat reboot, and reviews – the major feature here is Dead Space 2, released last month.
The Cover DVD – which is the reason we all buy magazines anyway – has several demos on it, none of which I’ve heard of before. The extras section does have some cool stuff by the looks of it, with a few suggestions I’ve made in the past on there. These include Pixel Force: Halo, and Pixel Force: Left 4 Dead. And a mod that I suggested a long time ago is here too: Command & Conquer 3: The Forgotten.
Speaking of suggestions, to coincide with the release of the new issue, the April DVD suggestion thread is now open for your links to whatever it is that you want to appear on the DVD. Remember that it pays to be patient, and always have direct links in your posts if you want a chance.
NAG March 2011 issue
[NAG] March 2011 issue
[DVD] April DVD Suggestion Thread
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