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Apocalypse Then: Grand Theft Auto 2

Ten Year Anniversary of GTA 2! mrgreen

On this day in gaming, back in 1999, Grand Theft Auto 2, the sequel to GTA, was released on Playstation. It was shortly released thereafter on PC, and on Dreamcast and Game Boy Colour the following year. There were noticeable differences between the PC and Playstation versions, specifically.The game was made available as a free download for the PC a few years back.

The game was developed by DMA Design, now known as Rockstar North, and published by Rockstar.

GTA 2 continued the series' top-down play method (discontinued in GTA 3 onwards so far) oddball humour, and gang warfare, and plenty of driving, with awkward controls.

The first time I played this was when I got the free download version off of a NAG cover DVD back a few years ago.


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