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Apocalypse Then: The Chronicles of Riddick (Film)

Director: David Twohy
Producer: Vin Diesel
Writer: David Twohy
Starring: Vin Diesel, Dame Judi Dench, Thandie Newton, Karl Urban
Distributor: Universal Pictures
Release dates: June 3, 2004
Running time:
Theatrical Cut:
119 min.
Director's Cut:
135 min.

On this day, in 2004, the film The Chronicles of Riddick was released. This was the second Riddick film, and had a considerably larger budget than Pitch Black, its predecessor.

Even though The Chronicles of Riddick didn’t perform very well at the box office, it still turned a profit, and succeeded in spawning an entire franchise, including books, animation, and video games, including the acclaimed The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay.

There are at least two new The Chronicles of Riddick movies planned, as David Twohy, the director and writer, is working on the scripts, with the first title to start production in 2010. Supposed themes for these movies include The Underverse, and Furya- Riddick’s home planet.

You can pick up this movie here.



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